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I purchased badminton shoes and racket bag from TG Sports 4 days ago. That was the first time I purchased items from TG Sports after looking their websites. I am very pleased with the overall service of TG Sports. From online purchasing, payment, tracking of package and up to packaging, everything is superb! I would definitely recommend TG Sports to all my friends playing Badminton and to everyone reading this comment. You will definitely not disappointed.

With regards to products, the badminton shoes and bag I bought are originals. Usually after the game, my feet are tired but just after using my new badminton shoes from TG Sports, I did not feel any fatigue and I was surprised with my performance coz I won my games and my footworks were magnificent coz of my shoes. Thank you TG Sports for your wonderful products and it is worth buying. I will definitely purchase more products from you in the near future. Agan, thank you very much and more power. I put my name to TG Sports and I highly recommend TG Sports in the whole world.

— Carlo Gabriel —

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